Dr Marie-Christine Boutron-Ruault, directrice adjointe de l’équipe
Equipe NACRe 03 : L'équipe E3N/E4N

Equipe NACRe 03 : L'équipe E3N/E4N

L’équipe a mis en place un programme de recherche en épidémiologie basé essentiellement sur la cohorte familiale E3N-E4N. Elle étudie comment des facteurs environnementaux et des facteurs individuels, comme l’alimentation, l’exposition à certains polluants chimiques, le mode de vie, ainsi que le terrain génétique peuvent influencer la survenue et l’évolution des grandes pathologies chroniques. L’équipe évalue les facteurs de risque et leurs relations avec les maladies au cours de la vie des individus, au sein d’une même famille, sur plusieurs générations.

Dr Marie-Christine Boutron-Ruault, directrice adjointe de l’équipe
Dr Marie-Christine Boutron-Ruault, directrice adjointe de l’équipe

Dr Marie-Christine Boutron-Ruault, directrice de l’équipe E3N/E4N

Gustave Roussy
Espace Maurice Tubiana
114 rue Edouard Vaillant
94805 Villejuif cedex

Correspondant NACRe : Marie-Christine Boutron-Ruault






Data Manager

AHNE Adrian


ALLOU Isabelle

Assistante data-manager







BIJOUX Agathe Wendy


BONNET Fabrice

Chercheur (PU-PH)

BOUTRON-RUAULT Marie-Christine

Directrice adjointe






Chercheur (PU-PH)



CHAI Rafika

Ingénieure chargée d'études

CORREIA Emmanuelle






ELBAZ Alexis

Directeur adjoint





ESSELMA Ghizlane

Technicienne d'études cliniques



FAURE Elodie

Chef de projet

FIOLET Thibault




FRENOY Pauline


GELOT Amandine



Directrice opérationnelle

GODET Kathleen


GOMES Roselyn





Directeur adjoint



HAJJI Mariem


HARIZI Sofiane



Responsable administrative


Responsable BDD







LAINE Maryline







Resp. communication











MANCINI Francesca






MOHAMED Antouria




NDAO Magatte

Technicienne d'études cliniques



PAQUET Mélanie



Chef de projet

PESCE Giancarlo


PIERRE Denis-Louis








SANTOS Felicia


SECK Combé



Assistante data-manager

SEVERI Gianluca

Directeur d'équipe

SHAH Sanam


TRAN Thi Van Trinh


TRUONG Thérèse


Approche spécifique de la thématique


L’équipe a mis en place et suit depuis 1990 la cohorte prospective française E3N, composée d’environ 100 000 femmes, nées entre 1925 et 1950 et affiliées à la MGEN (Mutuelle Générale de l’Education Nationale). Un suivi actif est assuré par des auto-questionnaires envoyés tous les deux ou trois ans.

L’équipe met en place une nouvelle cohorte familiale, E3N-E4N, sélectionnée comme Investissement d’Avenir en 2011, composée des enfants (génération G2) et petits-enfants (G3) des femmes E3N, ainsi que des pères de leurs enfants (G1). A terme, E3N-E4N constituera une grande cohorte familiale, sur trois générations, qui permettra une meilleure compréhension des facteurs de risque environnementaux et génétiques des principales maladies chroniques.

La cohorte E3N-E4N collecte des données épidémiologiques, médicales et biologiques. Des informations sont recueillies par le biais de questionnaires de suivi (état de santé et mode de vie, notamment passé reproductif, évolution de la corpulence, consommation de tabac et d’alcool, alimentation, niveau d’activité physique, etc…). Les informations médicales déclarées sont confirmées, validées et détaillées grâce aux comptes rendus anatomopathologiques et à l’appariement à des bases de données médico-administratives (MGEN, SNIIR-AM - Système national d'information inter-régimes de l'Assurance Maladie, CépiDc - Centre d'épidémiologie sur les causes médicales de décès).

Cette cohorte compte également des collections biologiques, 25 000 échantillons de sang et 65 000 de salive recueillis auprès de la génération 1. Nous complétons cette banque biologique auprès des volontaires des générations suivantes. Une tumorothèque est en cours de constitution. Ces collections, couplées aux données collectées, permettent ainsi une approche globale pour étudier l'influence de facteurs environnementaux, génétiques et épigénétiques au cours de la vie sur le risque et le pronostic des grandes pathologies chroniques.

Axes de recherche

  • Analyser le rôle de facteurs environnementaux et génétiques, dans la survenue des cancers et des autres grandes pathologies chroniques (diabète, maladies cardiovasculaires, maladies neurologiques...), ainsi que dans la survie après ces maladies
  • Etudier plus particulièrement les associations avec le mode de vie, les facteurs métaboliques (alimentation, activité physique), l’utilisation de traitements hormonaux, facteurs de reproduction, les expositions précoces...
  • Evaluer la relation entre les maladies chroniques et certains marqueurs biologiques (marqueurs de l'alimentation, du milieu hormonal, polymorphismes génétiques, ...)
  • Étude de l’hérédité et de la transmission des déterminants de santé
  • Génétique et épigénétique des principales pathologies chroniques de l’adulte (cancer, diabète de type 2,...)
  • Analyse de la survie après cancer et de la récidive après cancer

Associations décrites par les principaux résultats de notre groupe de recherche

  1. Les traitements hormonaux et le risque de cancer du sein, des ovaires, de l'endomètre et de la peau
  2. L'activité physique et la survenue du cancer du sein
  3. La consommation de fibres, de viande, de poisson, de calcium, de fer héminique et le risque de cancers colorectaux
  4. La consommation de lipides, d'acides gras trans, de bêta-carotène, d'alcool, de folates, de vitamines, de glucides, de tabac et le risque de cancer du sein
  5. La consommation de phyto-estrogènes et le risque de cancers hormono-dépendants (sein, endomètre, ovaire)
  6. La vitamine D et le risque de cancer du sein et du côlon
  7. L’exposition solaire et le risque de cancers de la peau
  8. Les mesures anthropométriques, l'alimentation, les facteurs environnementaux et le risque d'asthme
  9. La corpulence, les traitements hormonaux de la ménopause (THM), la consommation de café, de boissons sucrées, de viande, le groupe sanguin et le risque de diabète
  10. Les typologies alimentaires et les risques de cancer du sein et de cancer colorectal
  11. L’alimentation et le risque de maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin
  12. L'alimentation et le risque de maladies cardiovasculaires
  13. La prise de compléments alimentaires et le risque de cancer
  14. L'exposition aux contaminants alimentaires et le risque de cancer du sein et de diabète

Pour en savoir plus

Publications récentes dans la thématique Nutrition et Cancer

Dans des journaux scientifiques internationaux






  • Aglago EK, Huybrechts I, Murphy N, Casagrande C, Nicolas G, Pischon T, Fedirko V, Severi G, Boutron-Ruault MC, Fournier A, Katzke V, Kühn T, et al. Consumption of fish and long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is associated with reduced risk of colorectal cancer in a large European cohort. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 Mar;18(3):654-6.e6. [Résumé PubMed PMID 31252190]
  • Heath AK, Muller DC, van den Brandt PA, Papadimitriou N, Critselis E, Gunter M, Vineis P, Weiderpass E, Fagherazzi G, Boeing H, Ferrari P, Olsen A, et al. Nutrient-wide association study of 92 foods and nutrients and breast cancer risk. Breast Cancer Res. 2020 Jan 13;22(1):5. [Résumé PubMed PMID 31931881]
  • Jakszyn P, Cayssials V, Buckland G, Perez-Cornago A, Weiderpass E, Boeing H, Bergmann MM, Vulcan A, Ohlsson B, Masala G, Cross AJ, Riboli E, et al. Inflammatory potential of the diet and risk of colorectal cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study. Int J Cancer. 2020 Aug 15;147(4):1027-39. [Résumé PubMed PMID 31945199]
  • Khoei NS, Jenab M, Murphy N, Banbury BL, Carreras-Torres R, Viallon V, Kühn T, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Aleksandrova K, Cross AJ, Weiderpass E, Stepien M, et al. Circulating bilirubin levels and risk of colorectal cancer: serological and Mendelian randomization analyses. BMC Med. 2020 Sep 3;18(1):229. [Résumé PubMed PMID 32878631]
  • Kliemann N, Murphy N, Viallon V, Freisling H, Tsilidis KK, Rinaldi S, Mancini FR, Fagherazzi G, Boutron-Ruault MC, et al. Predicted basal metabolic rate and cancer risk in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition (Epic). Int J Cancer. 2020 Aug 1;147(3):648-61. [Résumé PubMed PMID 31652358]
  • Kühn T, Stepien M, López-Nogueroles M, Machado AD, Sookthai D, Johnson T, Roca M, Hüsing A, Maldonado SG, Cross AJ, Murphy N, Freisling H, et al. Pre-diagnostic plasma bile acid levels and colon cancer risk: A prospective study. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2020 May 1;112(5):516-24. [Résumé PubMed PMID 31435679]
  • Lavalette C, Cordina Duverger E, Artaud F, Rébillard X, Lamy PJ, Trétarre B, Cénée S, Menegaux F. Body mass index trajectories and prostate cancer risk: Results from the EPICAP study. Cancer Med. 2020 Sep;9(17):6421-9. [Résumé PubMed PMID 32639678]
  • Mahamat-Saleh Y, Cervenka I, Al-Rahmoun M, Mancini FR, Severi G, Ghiasvand R, Veierod MB, Caini S, Palli D, Botteri E, Sacerdote C, Ricceri F, et al. Citrus intake and risk of skin cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort (EPIC). Eur J Epidemiol. 2020 Nov;35(11):1057-67. [Résumé PubMed PMID 32710289]
  • Mancini FR, Cano-Sancho G, Gambaretti J, Marchand P, Boutron-Ruault MC, Severi G, Arveux P, Antignac JP, Kvaskoff M. Perfluorinated alkylated substances serum concentration and breast cancer risk: Evidence from a nested case-control study in the French E3N cohort. 2020 Feb 15;146(4):917-28. [Résumé PubMed PMID 31008526]
  • Mancini FR, Cano-Sancho G, Mohamed O, Cervenka I, Omichessan H, Marchand P, Boutron-Ruault MC, Arveux P, Severi G, Antignac JP, Kvaskoff M. Plasma concentration of brominated flame retardants and postmenopausal breast cancer risk: a nested case-control study in the French E3N cohort. Environ Health. 2020 May 20;19(1):54. [Résumé PubMed PMID 32434563]
  • Naudin S, Solans Margalef M, Saberi Hosnijeh F, Nieters A, Kyrø C, Tjønneland A, Dahm CC, Overvad K, Mahamat-Saleh Y, Besson C, Boutron-Ruault MC, Kühn T, et al. Healthy lifestyle and the risk of lymphoma in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study. Int J Cancer. 2020 Sep 15;147(6):1649-56. [Résumé PubMed PMID 32176325]
  • Naudin S, Viallon V, Hashim D, Freisling H, Jenab M, Weiderpass E, Perrier F, McKenzie F, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Olsen A, Tjønneland A, Dahm CC et al. Healthy lifestyle and the risk of pancreatic cancer in the EPIC study. Eur J Epidemiol. 2020 Oct;35(10):975-86. [Résumé PubMed PMID 31564045]
  • Paquet M, Shivappa N, Hébert JR, Baron-Dubourdieu D, Boutron-Ruault MC, Guénel P, Truong T. Dietary inflammatory index and differentiated thyroid carcinoma risk: A population-based case-control study in New Caledonia. Am J Epidemiol. 2020 Feb 28;189(2):95-107. [Résumé PubMed PMID 31509174]
  • Obón-Santacana M, Luján-Barroso L, Freisling H, Naudin S, Boutron-Ruault MC, Mancini FR, Rebours V, Kühn T, Katzke V, Boeing H, Tjønneland A, Olsen A, et al. Consumption of nuts and seeds and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Int J Cancer. 2020 Jan 1;146(1):76-84. [Résumé PubMed PMID 31107546]
  • Saberi Hosnijeh F, M Kolijn P, Casabonne D, Nieters A, Solans M, Naudin S, Ferrari P, Mckay JD, Weiderpass E, Perduca V, Besson C, Mancini FR, et al. Mediating effect of soluble B-cell activation immune markers on the association between anthropometric and lifestyle factors and lymphoma development. Sci Rep. 2020 Aug 14;10(1):13814. [Résumé PubMed PMID 32796953]
  • Solans M, Benavente Y, Saez M, Agudo A, Jakszyn P, Naudin S, Hosnijeh FS, Gunter M, Huybrechts I, Ferrari P, Besson C, Mahamat-Saleh Y et al. Inflammatory potential of diet and risk of lymphoma in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Eur J Nutr. 2020 Mar;59(2):813-23. [Résumé PubMed PMID 30903361]
  • Veron L, Gelot A, Gusto G, Arveux P, Delaloge S, Boutron-Ruault MC. Modifiable risk factors for advanced vs. early breast cancer in the French E3N cohort. Int J Cancer. 2020 Feb 1;146(3):850-60. [Résumé PubMed PMID 31001839]
  • Yammine S, Huybrechts I, Biessy C, Dossus L, Aglago EK, Naudin S, Ferrari P, Weiderpass E, Tjønneland A, Hansen L, Overvad K, Mancini FR, et al. Dietary and circulating fatty acids and ovarian cancer risk in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2020 Sep;29(9):1739-49. [Résumé PubMed PMID 32616494]
  • Zamora-Ros R, Cayssials V, Franceschi S, Kyrø C, Weiderpass E, Hennings J, Sandström M, Tjønneland A, Olsen A, Overvad K, Boutron-Ruault MC, Truong T et al. Polyphenol intake and differentiated thyroid cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort. Int J Cancer. 2020 Apr 1;146(7):1841-50. [Résumé PubMed PMID 31342519]


  • Butt J, Jenab M, Pawlita M, Overvad K, Tjonneland A, Olsen A, Boutron-Ruault MC, Carbonnel F, Mancini FR, Kaaks R, Kühn T, Boeing H et al. Antibody responses to fusobacterium nucleatum proteins in prediagnostic blood samples are not associated with risk of developing colorectal cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2019 Sep;28(9):1552-5. [Résumé PubMed PMID 31481495]
  • Cook MB, Barnett MJ, Bock CH, Cross AJ, Goodman PJ, Goodman GE, Haiman CA, Khaw KT, McCullough ML, Newton CC, Boutron-Ruault MC, Lund E et al. Prediagnostic circulating markers of inflammation and risk of oesophageal adenocarcinoma: a study within the National Cancer Institute Cohort Consortium. Gut. 2019 Jun;68(6):960-8. [Résumé PubMed PMID 30121626]
  • Fedirko V, Jenab M, Méplan C, Jones JS, Zhu W, Schomburg L, Siddiq A, Hybsier S, Overvad K, Tjønneland A, Omichessan H, Perduca V et al. Association of selenoprotein and selenium pathway genotypes with risk of colorectal cancer and interaction with selenium status. Nutrients. 2019 Apr 25;11(4). [Résumé PubMed PMID 31027226]
  • Fedirko V, Mandle HB, Zhu W, Hughes DJ, Siddiq A, Ferrari P, Romieu I, Riboli E, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, van Duijnhoven FJ, Siersema PD, Tjønneland A et al. Vitamin D-related genes, blood vitamin D levels and colorectal cancer risk in Western European populations. Nutrients. 2019 Aug 20;11(8). pii: E1954. [Résumé PubMed PMID 31434255]
  • Johansson M, Carreras-Torres R, Scelo G, Purdue MP, Mariosa D, Muller DC, Timpson NJ, Haycock PC, Brown KM, Wang Z, Ye Y, Hofmann JN et al. The influence of obesity-related factors in the etiology of renal cell carcinoma-A mendelian randomization study. PLoS Med. 2019 Jan 3;16(1):e1002724. [Résumé PubMed PMID 30605491]
  • Kühn T, Stepien M, López-Nogueroles M, Machado AD, Sookthai D, Johnson T, Roca M, Hüsing A, Maldonado SG, Cross AJ, Murphy N, Freisling H et al. Pre-diagnostic plasma bile acid levels and colon cancer risk: A prospective study. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2019 Aug 21. pii: djz166. [Epub ahead of print] [Résumé PubMed PMID 31435679]
  • Mahamat-Saleh Y, Cervenka I, Al Rahmoun M, Savoye I, Mancini FR, Trichopoulou A, Boutron-Ruault MC, Kvaskoff M. Mediterranean dietary pattern and skin cancer risk: A prospective cohort study in French women. Am J Clin Nutr. 2019 Oct 1;110(4):993-1002. [Résumé PubMed PMID 31380561]
  • Pal M, Hodge AM, Papa N, MacInnis R, Bassett JK, Bolton D, Davis ID, Millar J, English DR, Hopper JL, Severi G, Southey MC et al. Body size and dietary risk factors for aggressive prostate cancer: a case-control study. Cancer Causes Control. 2019 Dec;30(12):1301-12. [Résumé PubMed PMID 31552571]
  • Park JY, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Ferrari P, Weiderpass E, de Batlle J, Tjønneland A, Kyro C, Rebours V, Boutron-Ruault MC, Mancini FR, Katzke V, Kühn T et al. Dietary folate intake and pancreatic cancer risk: Results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Int J Cancer. 2019 Apr 1;144(7):1511-1521. [Résumé PubMed PMID 30178496]
  • Solans M, Benavente Y, Saez M, Agudo A, Naudin S, Hosnijeh FS, Noh H, Freisling H, Ferrari P, Besson C, Mahamat-Saleh Y, Boutron-Ruault MC et al. Adherence to the mediterranean diet and lymphoma risk in the european prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition. Int J Cancer. 2019 Jul 1;145(1):122-31. [Résumé PubMed PMID 30588620]
  • Touillaud M, Gelot A, Mesrine S, Bennetau-Pelissero C, Clavel-Chapelon F, Arveux P, Bonnet F, Gunter M, Boutron-Ruault MC, Fournier A. Use of dietary supplements containing soy isoflavones and breast cancer risk among women aged >50 y: a prospective study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2019 Mar 1;109(3):597-605. [Résumé PubMed PMID 30831601]
  • Ward HA, Whitman J, Muller DC, Johansson M, Jakszyn P, Weiderpass E, Palli D, Fanidi A, Vermeulen R, Tjønneland A, Hansen L, Dahm CC et al. Haem iron intake and risk of lung cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2018 Oct 18. 2019 Aug;73(8):1122-32. [Résumé PubMed PMID 30337714]
  • Park JY, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Ferrari P, Weiderpass E, de Batlle J, Tjønneland A, Kyro C, Rebours V, Boutron-Ruault MC, Mancini FR, Katzke V, Kühn T et al. Dietary folate intake and pancreatic cancer risk: Results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Int J Cancer. 2019 Apr 1;144(7):1511-21 [Résumé PubMed PMID 30178496]
  • Huseinovic E, Winkvist A, Freisling H, Slimani N, Boeing H, Buckland G, Schwingshackl L, Olsen A, Tjønneland A, Stepien M, Boutron-Ruault MC, Mancini F et al. Timing of eating across ten European countries - results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) calibration study. Public Health Nutr. 2019 Feb;22(2):324-335. [Résumé PubMed PMID 30326988]
  • Bradbury KE, Appleby PN, Tipper SJ, Travis RC, Allen NE, Kvaskoff M, Overvad K, Tjønneland A, Halkjaer J, Cervenka I, Mahamat-Saleh Y, Bonnet F et al. Circulating insulin-like growth factor I in relation to melanoma risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Int J Cancer. 2019 Mar 1;144(5):957-966. [Résumé PubMed PMID 30191956]
  • Cook MB, Barnett MJ, Bock CH, Cross AJ, Goodman PJ, Goodman GE, Haiman CA, Khaw KT, McCullough ML, Newton CC, Boutron-Ruault MC, Lund E et al. Prediagnostic circulating markers of inflammation and risk of oesophageal adenocarcinoma: a study within the National Cancer Institute Cohort Consortium. Gut. 2019 Jun;68(6):960-8. [Résumé PubMed PMID 30121626]


  • Affret A, El Fatouhi D, Dow C, Correia E, Boutron-Ruault MC, Fagherazzi G. Relative validity and reproducibility of a new 44-item diet and food frequency questionnaire among adults: Online assessment. J Med Internet Res. 2018 Jul 5;20(7):e227. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29980502]
  • Affret A, His M, Severi G, Mancini FR, Arveux P, Clavel-Chapelon F, Boutron-Ruault MC, Fagherazzi G. Influence of a cancer diagnosis on changes in fruit and vegetable consumption according to cancer site, stage at diagnosis and socioeconomic factors: Results from the large E3N-EPIC study. Int J Cancer. 2018 Oct 1;143(7):1678-1687 [Résumé PubMed PMID 29717489]
  • Assi N, Gunter MJ, Thomas DC, Leitzmann M, Stepien M, Chajès V, Philip T, Vineis P, Bamia C, Boutron-Ruault MC, Sandanger TM, Molinuevo A et al. Metabolic signature of healthy lifestyle and its relation with risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in a large European cohort. Am J Clin Nutr. 2018 Jul 1;108(1):117-26. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29924298]
  • Assi N, Thomas DC, Leitzman M, Stepien M, Chajes V, Philip T, Vineis P, Bamia C, Boutron-Ruault MC, Sandanger TM, Molinuevo A, Boshuizen HC et al. Are metabolic signatures mediating the relationship between lifestyle factors and hepatocellular carcinoma risk? Results from a nested case-control study in EPIC. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2018 May;27(5):531-40. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29563134]
  • Butt J, Jenab M, Willhauck-Fleckenstein M, Michel A, Pawlita M, Kyrø C, Tjønneland A, Boutron-Ruault MC, Carbonnel F, Severi G, Kaaks R, Kühn T et al. Prospective evaluation of antibody response to Streptococcus gallolyticus and risk of colorectal cancer. Int J Cancer. 2018 Jul 15;143(2):245-52. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29377173]
  • de Batlle J, Matejcic M, Chajes V, Moreno-Macias H, Amadou A, Slimani N, Cox DG, Clavel-Chapelon F, Fagherazzi G, Romieu I. Determinants of folate and vitamin B12 plasma levels in the French E3N-EPIC cohort. Eur J Nutr. 2018 Mar;57(2):751-60. [Résumé PubMed PMID 28004270]
  • Dossus L, Franceschi S, Biessy C, Navionis AS, Travis RC, Weiderpass E, Scalbert A, Romieu I, Tjønneland A, Olsen A, Overvad K, Boutron-Ruault MC et al. Adipokines and inflammation markers and risk of differentiated thyroid carcinoma: The EPIC study. Int J Cancer. 2018 Apr 1;142(7):1332-42. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29168186]
  • Fanidi A, Muller DC, Yuan JM, Stevens VL, Weinstein SJ, Albanes D, Prentice R, Thomsen CA, Pettinger M, Cai Q, Blot WJ, Wu J et al. Circulating folate, vitamin B6, and methionine in relation to lung cancer risk in the Lung Cancer Cohort Consortium (LC3). J Natl Cancer Inst. 2018 Jan 1;110(1). [Résumé PubMed PMID 28922778]
  • His M, Le Guélennec M, Mesrine S, Boutron-Ruault MC, Clavel-Chapelon F, Fagherazzi G, Dossus L. Life course evolution of body size and breast cancer survival in the E3N cohort. Int J Cancer. 2018 Apr 15;142(8):1542-53. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29181851]
  • Integrative Analysis of Lung Cancer Etiology and Risk (INTEGRAL) Consortium for Early Detection of Lung Cancer, Guida F, Sun N, Bantis LE, Muller DC, Li P, Taguchi A, Dhillon D, Kundnani DL, Patel NJ, Yan Q, Byrnes G et al. Assessment of lung cancer risk on the basis of a biomarker panel of circulating proteins. JAMA Oncol. 2018 Jul 12:e182078. [Résumé PubMed PMID 30003238]
  • Knaze V, Rothwell JA, Zamora-Ros R, Moskal A, Kyrø C, Jakszyn P, Skeie G, Weiderpass E, Santucci de Magistris M, Agnoli C, Westenbrink S, Sonestedt E et al. A new food-composition database for 437 polyphenols in 19,899 raw and prepared foods used to estimate polyphenol intakes in adults from 10 European countries. Am J Clin Nutr. 2018 Sep 1;108(3):517-524. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29931234]
  • Lafourcade A, His M, Baglietto L, Boutron-Ruault MC, Dossus L, Rondeau V. Factors associated with breast cancer recurrences or mortality and dynamic prediction of death using history of cancer recurrences: the French E3N cohort. BMC Cancer. 2018 Feb 9;18(1):171. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29426294]
  • Lin C, Travis RC, Appleby PN, Tipper S, Weiderpass E, Chang-Claude J, Gram IT, Kaaks R, Kiemeney LA, Ljungberg B, Tumino R, Tjønneland A et al. Pre-diagnostic circulating insulin-like growth factor-I and bladder cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Int J Cancer. 2018 Nov 15;143(10):2351-8. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29971779]
  • Matejcic M, Lesueur F, Biessy C, Renault AL, Mebirouk N, Yammine S, Keski-Rahkonen P, Li K, Hémon B, Weiderpass E, Rebours V, Boutron-Ruault MC et al. Circulating plasma phospholipid fatty acids and risk of pancreatic cancer in a large European cohort. Int J Cancer. 2018 Nov 15;143(10):2437-48. [Résumé PubMed PMID 30110135]
  • Muller DC, Hodge AM, Fanidi A, Albanes D, Mai XM, Shu XO, Weinstein SJ, Larose TL, Zhang X, Han J, Stampfer MJ, Smith-Warner SA. No association between circulating concentrations of vitamin D and risk of lung cancer: An analysis in 20 prospective studies in the Lung Cancer Cohort Consortium (LC3). Ann Oncol. 2018 Jun 1;29(6):1468-75. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29617726]
  • Murphy N, Achaintre D, Zamora-Ros R, Jenab M, Boutron-Ruault MC, Carbonnel F, Savoye I, Kaaks R, Kühn T, Boeing H, Aleksandrova K, Tjønneland A et al. A prospective evaluation of plasma polyphenol levels and colon cancer risk. Int J Cancer. 2018 Apr 26. [Epub ahead of print] [Résumé PubMed PMID 29696648]
  • Perduca V, Omichessan H, Baglietto L, Severi G. Mutational and epigenetic signatures in cancer tissue linked to environmental exposures and lifestyle. Curr Opin Oncol.  2018 Jan;30(1):61-7. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29076965]
  • Premenopausal Breast Cancer Collaborative Group, Schoemaker MJ, Nichols HB, Wright LB, Brook MN, Jones ME, O'Brien KM, Adami HO, Baglietto L, Bernstein L, Bertrand KA, Boutron-Ruault MC et al. Association of body mass index and age with subsequent breast cancer risk in premenopausal women. JAMA Oncol. 2018 Jun 21:e181771. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29931120]
  • Shield KD, Dossus L, Fournier A, Marant Micallef C, Rinaldi S, Rogel A, Heard I, Pilleron S, Bray F, Soerjomataram I. The impact of historical breastfeeding practices on the incidence of cancer in France in 2015. Cancer Causes Control. 2018 Mar;29(3):325-332. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29464426]
  • Stringhini S, Carmeli C, Jokela M, Avendaño M, McCrory C, d'Errico A, Bochud M, Barros H, Costa G, Chadeau-Hyam M, Delpierre C, Gandini M et al. LIFEPATH Consortium. Socioeconomic status, non-communicable disease risk factors, and walking speed in older adults: multi-cohort population based study. BMJ. 2018 Mar 23;360:k1046. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29572376]
  • van Duijnhoven FJB, Jenab M, Hveem K, Siersema PD, Fedirko V, Duell EJ, Kampman E, Halfweeg A, van Kranen HJ, van den Ouweland JMW, Weiderpass E, Murphy N et al. Circulating concentrations of vitamin D in relation to pancreatic cancer risk in European populations. Int J Cancer. 2018 Mar 15;142(6):1189-201. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29114875]
  • Zamora-Ros R, Béraud V, Franceschi S, Cayssials V, Tsilidis KK, Boutron-Ruault MC, Weiderpass E, Overvad K, Tjønneland A, Eriksen AK, Bonnet F, Affret A et al. Consumption of fruits, vegetables, and fruit juices and differentiated thyroid carcinoma risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study. Int J Cancer. 2018 Feb 1;142(3):449-59. [Résumé PubMed PMID 28688112]
  • Zamora-Ros R, Cayssials V, Jenab M, Rothwell JA, Fedirko V, Aleksandrova K, Tjønneland A, Kyrø C, Overvad K, Boutron-Ruault MC, Carbonnel F, Mahamat-Saleh Y et al. Dietary intake of total polyphenol and polyphenol classes and the risk of colorectal cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort. Eur J Epidemiol. Nov;33(11):1063-1075 [Résumé PubMed PMID 29761424]
  • Zuo H, Ueland PM, Midttun Ø, Vollset SE, Tell GS, Theofylaktopoulou D, Travis RC, Boutron-Ruault MC, Fournier A, Severi G, Kvaskoff M, Boeing H et al. Results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) link vitamin B6 catabolism and lung cancer risk. Cancer Res. 2018 Jan 1;78(1):302-8. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29070616]


  • Affret A, Severi G, Dow C, Rey G, Delpierre C, Boutron-Ruault MC, Clavel-Chapelon F, Fagherazzi G. Socio-economic factors associated with a healthy diet: results from the E3N study. Public Health Nutr. 2017 Jun;20(9):1574-83. [Résumé PubMed PMID 28285611]
  • Affret A, Wagner S, El Fatouhi D, Dow C, Correia E, Niravong M, Clavel-Chapelon F, De Chefdebien J, Fouque D, Stengel B, CKD-REIN study investigators, Boutron-Ruault MC et al. Validity and reproducibility of a short food frequency questionnaire among patients with chronic kidney disease. BMC Nephrol. 2017 Sep 15;18(1):297. [Résumé PubMed PMID 28915857]
  • Bastide N, Dartois L, Dyevre V, Dossus L, Fagherazzi G, Serafini M, Boutron-Ruault MC. Dietary antioxidant capacity and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in the E3N/EPIC cohort study. Eur J Nutr. 2017 Apr;56(3):1233-43. [Résumé PubMed PMID 26887577]
  • Caini S, Masala G, Saieva C, Kvaskoff M, Savoye I, Sacerdote C, Hemmingsson O, Hammer Bech B, Overvad K, Tjønneland A, Petersen KE, Mancini FR et al. Coffee, tea and melanoma risk: findings from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Int J Cancer. 2017 May 15;140(10):2246-55. [Résumé PubMed PMID 28218395]
  • Chajès V, Assi N, Biessy C, Ferrari P, Rinaldi S, Slimani N, Lenoir GM, Baglietto L, His M, Boutron-Ruault MC, Trichopoulou A, Lagiou P et al. A prospective evaluation of plasma phospholipid fatty acids and breast cancer risk in the EPIC study. Ann Oncol. 2017 Nov 1;28(11):2836-2842. [Résumé PubMed PMID 28950350]
  • Cheung W, Keski-Rahkonen P, Assi N, Ferrari P, Freisling H, Rinaldi S, Slimani N, Zamora-Ros R, Rundle M, Frost G, Gibbons H, Carr E et al. A metabolomic study of biomarkers of meat and fish intake. Am J Clin Nutr. 2017 Mar;105(3):600-8. [Résumé PubMed PMID 28122782]
  • Gunter MJ, Murphy N, Cross AJ, Dossus L, Dartois L, Fagherazzi G, Kaaks R, Kühn T, Boeing H, Aleksandrova K, Tjønneland A, Olsen A et al. Coffee drinking and mortality in 10 European countries: a multinational cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2017 Aug 15;167(4):236-47. [Résumé PubMed PMID 28693038]
  • His M, Dartois L, Fagherazzi G, Boutten A, Dupré T, Mesrine S, Boutron-Ruault MC, Clavel-Chapelon F, Dossus L. Associations between serum lipids and breast cancer incidence and survival in the E3N prospective cohort study. Cancer Causes Control. 2017 Jan;28(1):77-88. [Résumé PubMed PMID 27864712]
  • Matejcic M, de Batlle J, Ricci C, Biessy C1 Perrier F, Huybrechts I, Weiderpass E, Boutron-Ruault MC, Cadeau C, His M, Cox DG, Boeing H et al. Biomarkers of folate and vitamin B12 and breast cancer risk: report from the EPIC cohort. Int J Cancer. 2017 Mar 15;140(6):1246-59. [Résumé PubMed PMID 27905104]
  • Molina-Montes E, Sánchez MJ, Buckland G, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Weiderpass E, Amiano P, Wark PA, Kühn T, Katzke V, Huerta JM, Ardanaz E, Quirós JR et al. Mediterranean diet and risk of pancreatic cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort. Br J Cancer. 2017 Mar 14;116(6):811-20. [Résumé PubMed PMID 28170373]
  • Obón-Santacana M, Lujan-Barroso L, Freisling H, Cadeau C, Fagherazzi G, Boutron-Ruault MC, Kaaks R, Fortner RT, Boeing H, Ramón Quirós J, Molina-Montes E, Chamosa S et al. Dietary and lifestyle determinants of acrylamide and glycidamide hemoglobin adducts in non-smoking postmenopausal women from the EPIC cohort. Eur J Nutr. 2017 Apr;56(3):1157-68. [Résumé PubMed PMID 26850269]
  • Ose J, Schock H, Poole EM, Lehtinen M, Visvanathan K, Helzlsouer K, Buring JE, Lee IM, Tjønneland A, Boutron-Ruault MC, Trichopoulou A, Mattiello A et al. Pre-diagnosis insulin-like growth factor-I and risk of epithelial invasive ovarian cancer by histological subtypes: A collaborative re-analysis from the Ovarian Cancer Cohort Consortium. Cancer Causes Control. 2017 May;28(5):429-35. [Résumé PubMed PMID 28205047]
  • Perez-Cornago A, Appleby PN, Tipper S, Key TJ, Allen NE, Nieters A, Vermeulen R, Roulland S, Casabonne D,7, Kaaks R, Fortner RT, Boeing H et al. Prediagnostic circulating concentrations of plasma insulin-like growth factor-I and risk of lymphoma in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Int J Cancer. 2017 Mar 1;140(5):1111-8. [Résumé PubMed PMID 27870006]
  • Romieu I, Ferrari P, Chajès V, de Batlle J, Biessy C, Scoccianti C, Dossus L, Boutron MC, Bastide N, Overvad K, Olsen A, Tjønneland A et al. Fiber intake modulates the association of alcohol intake with breast cancer. Int J Cancer. 2017 Jan 15;140(2):316-21. [Résumé PubMed PMID 27599758]
  • Stepien M, Hughes DJ, Hybsier S, Bamia C, Tjønneland A, Overvad K, Affret A, His M, Boutron-Ruault MC, Katzke V, Kühn T, Aleksandrova K et al. Circulating copper and zinc levels and risk of hepatobiliary cancers in Europeans. Br J Cancer. 2017 Feb 28;116(5):688-96. [Résumé PubMed PMID 28152549]
  • Stepien M, Jenab M, Freisling H, Becker NP, Czuban M, Tjønneland A, Olsen A, Overvad K, Boutron-Ruault MC, Mancini FR, Savoye I, Katzke V et al. Pre-diagnostic copper and zinc biomarkers and colorectal cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort. Carcinogenesis. 2017 Jul 1;38(7):699-707. [Résumé PubMed PMID 28575311]
  • Stringhini S, Carmeli C, Jokela M, Avendaño M, Muennig P, Guida F, Ricceri F, d'Errico A, Barros H, Bochud M, Chadeau-Hyam M, Clavel-Chapelon F et al. Socioeconomic status and the 25 × 25 risk factors as determinants of premature mortality: a multicohort study and meta-analysis of 1·7 million men and women. Lancet. 2017 Mar 25;389(10075):1229-37. [Résumé PubMed PMID 28159391]
  • Theofylaktopoulou D, Midttun Ø, Ueland PM, Meyer K, Fanidi A, Zheng W Shu XO6, Xiang YB, Prentice R, Pettinger M, Thomson CA, Giles GG et al. Impaired functional vitamin B6 status is associated with increased risk of lung cancer. Int J Cancer. 2018 Jun 15;142(12):2425-2434. [Résumé PubMed PMID 29238985]
  • Ward HA, Wark PA, Muller DC, Steffen A, Johansson M, Norat T, Gunter MJ, Overvad K, Dahm CC, Halkjær J, Tjønneland A, Boutron-Ruault MC et al. Measured adiposity in relation to head and neck cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2017 Jun;26(6):895-904. [Résumé PubMed PMID 28183827]
  • Zamora-Ros R, Barupal DK, Rothwell JA, Jenab M, Fedirko V, Romieu I, Aleksandrova K, Overvad K, Kyrø C, Tjønneland A, Affret A, His M et al. Dietary flavonoid intake and colorectal cancer risk in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition (EPIC) cohort. Int J Cancer. 2017 Apr 15;140(8):1836-44. [Résumé PubMed PMID 28006847]
  • Zamora-Ros R, Rothwell JA, Achaintre D, Ferrari P, Boutron-Ruault MC, Mancini FR, Affret A, Kühn T, Katzke V, Boeing H, Küppel S, Trichopoulou A et al. Evaluation of urinary resveratrol as a biomarker of dietary resveratrol intake in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study. Br J Nutr. 2017 Jun;117(11):1596-1602. [Résumé PubMed PMID 28637522]

Date de modification : 06 juin 2024 | Date de création : 02 juillet 2008 | Rédaction : NACRe